1500 sq ft featuring massive north facing windows
15 ft ceilings + 40 ft wide uninterrupted white wall
Lounge area + work table featuring vintage designer furniture
Mini fridge + water station inside the studio
Cafe located in lobby
All day access to elevator
8am to 4pm loading dock (must go through front entrance after 4pm)

EQ included in every booking
15 x sand bag
3x Power strip
3x Stingers
3x applebox
2x Z Clothing Rack + Hangers
1x Steamer
1x Rolling Stool
3x B/W VFlat
wall backdrop system
1x Ladder
3x Profoto D1 + Air Remote
1x Parabolic Softbox 4ft”D
1x Beauty Dish Softbox 1 ft”D
2x White Shoot through Umbrella Med
2x Reflective Umbrella Med
1x Benq Screen on rolling stand
6x C Stand w/ arm
3x Light Stand
2x Roller Stand Small w/ Boom arm
1x Roller Stand Med w/ Boom arm
EQ available for rent
Video 3 Light Kit ($150 per session)
1x Nanlite FS 300
2x Nanlite FS 150
2x 1x3ft Softbox w/ grid
1x 5ft Umbrella w/ Silk Diffusion
1x 6x6 Scrim Jim w/ silk + silver/white
4x Black C Stands w/ arm
For other EQ needs/rental, message us 48 hours before your booking and we can have them in the studio at the time of your booking.